Brighten up your summer house with a canvas
With house prices so high, more and more people are investing in garden rooms and summer houses to gain a little extra usable space, instead of going through the hassle and expense of moving home. A summer house is a great way to create a secluded getaway in your own garden, but when it comes to decorating one, people often get a little stuck. We think that carefully chosen canvases are a fantastic way to brighten up your outside room and give the space character.
Sourcing images
We know that many of our customers are photographers, but just as many don’t feel particularly confident that their skills are up to scratch – especially when it comes to creating images suitable for hanging on your wall! Although we try hard to improve your skills with our blog tutorials, we also encourage our clients to search stock photo sites for inspiration and images to send to us rather than downloading for free from the internet, because many people are unaware how strict copyright laws
can be!
Keeping the summer vibe
Summer is all about sunshine and bright colours, which is why many people opt for the beach hut look for their summer house. If you decide to really embrace that beachside feeling with your paint choice, we recommend taking the theme inside too with some eye-catching holiday inspired canvases! Take a look at these lovely summery images we downloaded from a stock site – any of them would make a fine canvas print for the wall of your summer house.

A little Zen retreat
Many people use their summer house as a meditation room or yoga studio. Create a peaceful and relaxing space by searching stock sites for images that add to the atmosphere you’re trying to create. We had a little hunt around and found these photos that we think would look great as inspiration for your relaxing retreat space.
All work, no play
Of course, an outside room can often be turned into a work space, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use canvases to improve the ambiance! We like to find inspirational quotes to print to canvas because they keep us working hard, focused on our targets, and happy while we work. You can make these more pleasing to the eye by adding them to beautiful backgrounds – something that we’re going to show you how to do in our next blog!
Tags canvas wall, canvas art