Easter Gift Ideas And Activities
As a holiday, Easter may not have the glitz and glamour of Christmas, but it’s definitely a great opportunity to get the family together to celebrate and enjoy some good company, food and chocolate!
This month we’re going to help you prepare for Easter with some design and gift ideas to get you into the spirit of the holiday.
Easter holidays means school holidays too – which also means that you’re going to have to keep those little ones occupied! Fortunately, Easter presents many opportunities to involve your children in the fun:
Design Easter cards together – This is an activity that’s perfect for all ages, so let your kids go crazy designing cards for the whole family. Help toddlers out by drawing the outline of Easter eggs on cards and letting them fill them in with pens, paint or stuck on crepe paper; if they’re bigger let them design their own using Easter themes like eggs, bunnies or flowers – if they come up with something super cute you could even have them printed onto canvas!
Go on an egg hunt – You might find an organised egg hunt locally, but if not you can get out there and make your own! You can choose to either hide Easter eggs around the house and garden or paint boiled eggs and head off into the park for a more adventurous hunt.

Another great way to enjoy Easter (and get the kids in on the action) is to bake! You might try some of these contemporary and traditional Easter cakes:
Double chocolate cheesecake – A cheesecake with added chocolate and topped with halved creamed eggs sounds delicious, right? It’s the perfect decadent Easter dessert! Check out the recipe here.
Hot cross buns – As much part of Easter as eggs, these are surprisingly easy to make and a great way to introduce the idea of baking bread to your kids. Here’s our favourite hot cross bun recipe.
Vanilla chick biscuits – These delightful biscuits are easy to make and put the fun into your Easter preparations. Bake them, decorate them, enjoy them!

Canvas prints are the perfect way to complete the decorations for an Easter party. We recommend downloading Easter themed images from stock sites like Shutterstock or iStock, sending them over to us and letting us print them up for you.
You can roll them out every year for your celebrations or leave them up all year round! Easter vibes work great in the kitchen to add a bit of fun and sunshine to the décor.
We hope that this article gives you plenty of ideas for Easter gifts and fun with the whole family – we might even bake some goodies for the team this year!
Tags canvas easter, canvas print