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High quality canvases

The idea of having a personalised canvas print on your wall is an idea that appeals to many people – but don’t rush into it. You must be sure that the canvas company you choose can give you the quality you need, or your money will be wasted...

Great gift ideas

Canvas photo prints are the right choice and a great option for creating the most personal and thoughtful gifts of your near and dear ones. Canvas photo prints can deliver the product for an individual who are looking for a means of extending their l..

El Greco canvas found in Poland largely ignored

Over 40 years ago a woman in a rural Polish parish found a canvas painting hanging in a priest’s chamber, which she concluded was an El Greco masterpiece. However, it has been largely ignored by the art world over rumours that it may not be genuine...

Artist in Bolton launches Cool Canvas project for local community

Artist Oliver Wotherspoon has been sponsored by a major paint company after they heard of his innovative Cool Canvas project in his local community...

Capture the moment with beautiful canvas prints

The blend of photos and canvas to capture that perfect moment. Your life and the lives of your family are incredibly special – that’s why you choose to capture so many moments on camera. From early years to wedding days, holiday and graduation day..

School photography tips that will bring great results

If you’ve seen your kid's school photos and thought, "I can do better than that!" then our school photography tips could set you on a new and exciting career path! Being a school photographer can be incredibly rewarding, but requires dedication, ta..

Showing 451 to 456 of 456 (31 Pages)


frame next to a house plant
framed photo by the bedside
framed landscape painting on the wall
framed picture next to a quill
holding a framed painting